Sunday, April 22, 2012

Solve your child's sleep problem

Solve your child's sleep problem

All about Sleep Problems in Children

Author: Koellie Joyce

Sleep is an extremely important part of our lives. Not only does it provide us with the physical rest that we all need, it also rejuvenates the mind so that it can think of creative ways to manage situations. While sleep is important for all, it has an additional significance when it comes to children. Children grow and develop when they are asleep and it is not unusual to see children have phases in which they shoot up and become tall. In addition to that, you can imagine the state of the household where the child is irritated due to sleep problems.

Kinds of Sleep Problems in Children

In most cases, children face insomnia and nightmares as the sleep problems that are most common. Insomnia is a situation where the child has difficulty falling asleep and parents have to go on with multiple stories and lullabies to only ensure that the child finally goes to sleep. At other times insomnia can manifest itself in frequent awakenings in the night. Some children wake up too early and are not rested and enthused when they get up too. Nightmares tend to occur in high frequency between the age of 3 and 6 years. Sometimes avoiding vitamins before going to bed is recommended so that the brain is not in an alert state.

Signs of Sleep Problems in Children

Some common signs of sleep problems that you should know so that you can identify them are mentioned below. It is important to note these so that you can take accurate and appropriate action.

- Dozing off in between activities like reading, watching television or sitting in the car

- Slowed thinking or response time

- Difficulty in concentrating on what is being said

- Disorientation and confusion

- Short attention spam

- Gaps in understanding of a concept

- Irritability

- Difficulty in focusing eyes

Helping Children with their Sleep Problems

There are temporary issues that can cause sleep problems in children. These can be related to a specific event or stress. However, if the sleep problems last for more than a couple of weeks, you should consult a doctor and try and find out what the real cause of the sleep problem could be. Having a word with the school counselor may also help you understand if there is something that you are missing on.

- Almost all children are affected by your emotions. Even a baby who cannot understand the tensions that are being discussed at home can feel tense vibes and feel anxious about sleeping. Do not try and push the issue under the carpet but avoid speaking about these things before bedtime. Create a bedtime schedule that you should maintain at all times and avoid heavy, fried food before bedtime. Colas and sugar should also be avoided to ensure that your child is not in a hyperactive state.

- Younger children tend to feel uncomfortable sleeping alone. Do not get concerned about such a thing. Lie down with your child till he falls asleep and then leave the room after assuring him that you will check frequently.

- Many teens have sleep problems due to the stress and tension that they feel due to peer pressure and familial expectations. Make sure that you talk to you teens and maintain a healthy environment all the time.

With good care, nourishment and upbringing you can avoid sleep issues from occurring and you can be sure to identify them if they do occur so that you can take timely action.

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About the Author

Our site details out anything that you could ever need to know or want to know about your sleep problems. There is information on the various causes, case studies, natural methods, home remedies, alternative remedies, relaxation techniques and more that you can find here. So do not wait for anything more. Check out this treasure trove now!

How To Treat Sleep Problems In Children


It's estimated that a quarter of young children have severe long and short term sleep problems. A prolonged sleep disorder can have a profound impact on a child's development. Studies have shown that kids who are sleep deprived don't perform well in school, exhibit behavioral problems and are more susceptible to illnesses.

As a parent, there are simple things that you can do to help your child get a better night of sleep. Read on for more information on the symptoms of common sleep problems in children and the treatment options available.

New parents are often very concerned about how much bedtime their baby is getting. Newborn infants have irregular bedtime cycles and sleep an average of 16 to 17 hours per day. However, they may only not stay awake for 1 or 2 hours at a time.

As children get older, the total number of hours they need for not to stay awake decreases. A pre-school child may still need to sleep 10 to 12 hours each day, whereas a school aged child sleeps about 10 hours each day. It is important to remember that each child's sleeping pattern will be different.

It is well known that a child who has a sleep problem will also develop behavioral and attention problems in school. A recent study reported that 37% of school aged children experience significant, nocturnal sleeping issues. Problems may include a reluctance to go to bed, disrupted sleep, nightmares and sleepwalking.

In older children, bedwetting can also become a challenge. Such problems are also common in kids with ADHD. It is important to try and figure out if these issues, especially if your child has difficulty falling asleep, are a side effect of any ADHD medication he or she might be taking.

Sleep problems in children can no doubt be thwarted if a regular bedtime schedule is followed to ensure that your child gets enough rest. Start by establishing a quiet time before bed. This is a good time to take a bath and read a story. By winding down, your child will be able to fall asleep quicker.

Once the body adjusts to a set schedule, he or she is more likely to be sleepy at the same time every night. If your child suffers from night terrors or nightmares, then make him more comfortable by turning on a night light in the room and allowing him to sleep with a favorite toy. Physical comfort, such as a firm sleep foundation is also key to a good night of sleep, as well as roomy and cozy pajamas.

Kids learn from example, so follow a regular bedtime ritual yourself. If your child's symptoms persist, then consider seeing a bedtime specialist. Sometimes sleep problems in children can be caused by depression or other anxiety disorders.

However, remember that each child is different. If they're energetic and active during the day, then don't worry if they're having occasional sleepless nights.

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About the Author

Discover more information about treating sleep problems in children from Mike Selvon educational portal. We appreciate your feedback at our sleep disorder treatment blog.

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