Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Home Cures for Insomnia Best Foods to Fight Insomnia

Foods to Fight Insomnia

A healthy diet for sleep is very important. Our body is naturally intelligent. Fresh Foods are better than processed foods. Many processed foods contain sugar (which gives you a rush- it over stimulates the body.
Fresh foods have more fiber; therefore, your body digests them more easily so your stomach wont keep you awake.

Diet is like exercise. That is good for maintaining fitness and a healthy weight is also good to fight insomnia.

Researchers have discovered that an amino acid called tryptophan helps you to sleep because when it is broken down, it produces serotonin (which makes you feel good) and melatonin (which we talked about in last post) Trytophan is common in turkey, so people think that eating turkey is especially good for promoting sleep. There is also trytophan in milk and yogurt, fish, eggs, poultry, red meats and bananas. Trytophan is an essential amino acid

Never eat later than 3 hours before going to sleep

Monday, November 8, 2010

Does Melatonin induce sleep

What is melatonin ? Melatonin is a hormon produced by the pinal gland at the base of our brain.
People generally use supplemental melatonin to induce sleepiness. It helps people fall asleep faster
Melatonin is available in health food stores and can be bought without a prescription.
The sleep inducing of melatonin effect of melatonin is mild as compared to that of prescription sleeping pills.
It is best to take melatonin 3 to 4 hours before bed.

Take our sleep quiz to see if you suffer from true insomnia

I read a good article today on insomnia and the below really hit home for me. I think is the insomnia that I have

Psychophysiologic Insomnia
In many cases, it is unclear if chronic insomnia is a symptom of some physical or psychological condition or if it is a primary disorder of its own. In most instances, a mix of psychological and physical conditions causes the insomnia.

Psychophysiologic insomnia occurs when:

•Transient insomnia disrupts the person's circadian rhythm.
•The patient begins to associate the bed not with rest and relaxation but with a struggle to sleep. A pattern of sleep failure emerges.
•Over time, this event repeats, and bedtime becomes a source of anxiety. Once in bed, the patient broods over the inability to sleep, the consequences of sleep loss, and the lack of mental control. All attempts to sleep fail.
•Eventually excessive worry about sleep loss becomes persistent and provides an automatic nightly trigger for anxiety and arousal. Unsuccessful attempts to control thoughts, images, and emotions only worsen the situation. After such a cycle is established, insomnia becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that can persist indefinitely.