Thursday, October 21, 2010

How thinking about sleep affects your ability to sleep

How thinking about sleep affects your ability to sleep

Trouble sleeping can becomes something to dwell on and worry about. Doubts trick your mind into becoming its own worst enemy. The key is to stop striving for sleep and straining against it at the same time.
Insomnia can act like quicksand, the more you try to get out of it, the more it sucks you in.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ways to Cure Insomnia

Ways to Cure Insomnia

Anyone who suffers from insomnia knows the dreaded feeling of tossing and turning and watching the clock night after night. It almost feels like you go into panic mode when bedtime approaches because you become anxious about not being able to sleep.

Sleep is necessary for the body to repair and regenerate. Lack of sleep can lead to injury, poor performance and depression. If you are on this blog, you most likely suffer from insomnia :-( If you didn't than you wouldn't be searching for ways to cure insomnia. That being said, you know how rotten you feel after a few bad nights with little or no sleep.

Do you suffer from insomnia
Click here to take the free 7 step quiz to see if you truly suffer from insomnia

What are some of the negative side effects of insomnia?
Poor memory, More car accidents, Constant colds, Aging prematurely, Weight gain, high blood pressure

Good news?? Can you die from insomnia? No Although you may feel like it at times.

Here are some tips to help your journey to beat insomnia
1) Get a routine- Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. No matter how bad your sleep has been. Your body needs a starting point
2) Restrict your sleep. This may sound odd if you are already sleep deprived but laying there too long will make your insomnia worse. There is no point laying in bed if you can't sleep. If you don't go to bed until you are really tired and get up early, you will drop off more quickly and have less interrupted sleep and deeper sleep. Instead of lying there awake, you can get up, go into another room and do something calming like listening to relaxing music or reading. When your eyelids start to droop, then return to bed. The idea is to associate bed with sleep.
3)Don't drink any liquid an hour or two before bed to limit nighttime bathroom trips
4)Sleep on your side. Sleeping flat on your back can restrict breathing.

View video here to get your sleep routine established and get your life back on track

Have you noticed how the more you fear insomnia, the more you dread going to sleep and the more trouble you have sleeping.
You become anxious, depressed and zoned out.
Do you worry that you will never be able to enjoy a decent sleep like regular people do

Insomnia quiz!

As a chronic insomnia suffer (formerly addicted to ambien), this routine change works. Take the quiz to see your level of insomnia

Other helpful tips to treat insomnia naturally
Get a massage
Take a warm bath
Drink Warm Milk
Drink herb tea
avoid naps
keep regular bed times
get physical exercise

Another helpful tip
Turn alarm clock around so you can't see time. Watching the clock makes it worse because you keep counting how much less slepp you are going to get

What works for you in curing insomnia

Share your ways to cure insomnia