Sunday, April 22, 2012

Solve your child's sleep problem

Solve your child's sleep problem

All about Sleep Problems in Children

Author: Koellie Joyce

Sleep is an extremely important part of our lives. Not only does it provide us with the physical rest that we all need, it also rejuvenates the mind so that it can think of creative ways to manage situations. While sleep is important for all, it has an additional significance when it comes to children. Children grow and develop when they are asleep and it is not unusual to see children have phases in which they shoot up and become tall. In addition to that, you can imagine the state of the household where the child is irritated due to sleep problems.

Kinds of Sleep Problems in Children

In most cases, children face insomnia and nightmares as the sleep problems that are most common. Insomnia is a situation where the child has difficulty falling asleep and parents have to go on with multiple stories and lullabies to only ensure that the child finally goes to sleep. At other times insomnia can manifest itself in frequent awakenings in the night. Some children wake up too early and are not rested and enthused when they get up too. Nightmares tend to occur in high frequency between the age of 3 and 6 years. Sometimes avoiding vitamins before going to bed is recommended so that the brain is not in an alert state.

Signs of Sleep Problems in Children

Some common signs of sleep problems that you should know so that you can identify them are mentioned below. It is important to note these so that you can take accurate and appropriate action.

- Dozing off in between activities like reading, watching television or sitting in the car

- Slowed thinking or response time

- Difficulty in concentrating on what is being said

- Disorientation and confusion

- Short attention spam

- Gaps in understanding of a concept

- Irritability

- Difficulty in focusing eyes

Helping Children with their Sleep Problems

There are temporary issues that can cause sleep problems in children. These can be related to a specific event or stress. However, if the sleep problems last for more than a couple of weeks, you should consult a doctor and try and find out what the real cause of the sleep problem could be. Having a word with the school counselor may also help you understand if there is something that you are missing on.

- Almost all children are affected by your emotions. Even a baby who cannot understand the tensions that are being discussed at home can feel tense vibes and feel anxious about sleeping. Do not try and push the issue under the carpet but avoid speaking about these things before bedtime. Create a bedtime schedule that you should maintain at all times and avoid heavy, fried food before bedtime. Colas and sugar should also be avoided to ensure that your child is not in a hyperactive state.

- Younger children tend to feel uncomfortable sleeping alone. Do not get concerned about such a thing. Lie down with your child till he falls asleep and then leave the room after assuring him that you will check frequently.

- Many teens have sleep problems due to the stress and tension that they feel due to peer pressure and familial expectations. Make sure that you talk to you teens and maintain a healthy environment all the time.

With good care, nourishment and upbringing you can avoid sleep issues from occurring and you can be sure to identify them if they do occur so that you can take timely action.

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About the Author

Our site details out anything that you could ever need to know or want to know about your sleep problems. There is information on the various causes, case studies, natural methods, home remedies, alternative remedies, relaxation techniques and more that you can find here. So do not wait for anything more. Check out this treasure trove now!

How To Treat Sleep Problems In Children


It's estimated that a quarter of young children have severe long and short term sleep problems. A prolonged sleep disorder can have a profound impact on a child's development. Studies have shown that kids who are sleep deprived don't perform well in school, exhibit behavioral problems and are more susceptible to illnesses.

As a parent, there are simple things that you can do to help your child get a better night of sleep. Read on for more information on the symptoms of common sleep problems in children and the treatment options available.

New parents are often very concerned about how much bedtime their baby is getting. Newborn infants have irregular bedtime cycles and sleep an average of 16 to 17 hours per day. However, they may only not stay awake for 1 or 2 hours at a time.

As children get older, the total number of hours they need for not to stay awake decreases. A pre-school child may still need to sleep 10 to 12 hours each day, whereas a school aged child sleeps about 10 hours each day. It is important to remember that each child's sleeping pattern will be different.

It is well known that a child who has a sleep problem will also develop behavioral and attention problems in school. A recent study reported that 37% of school aged children experience significant, nocturnal sleeping issues. Problems may include a reluctance to go to bed, disrupted sleep, nightmares and sleepwalking.

In older children, bedwetting can also become a challenge. Such problems are also common in kids with ADHD. It is important to try and figure out if these issues, especially if your child has difficulty falling asleep, are a side effect of any ADHD medication he or she might be taking.

Sleep problems in children can no doubt be thwarted if a regular bedtime schedule is followed to ensure that your child gets enough rest. Start by establishing a quiet time before bed. This is a good time to take a bath and read a story. By winding down, your child will be able to fall asleep quicker.

Once the body adjusts to a set schedule, he or she is more likely to be sleepy at the same time every night. If your child suffers from night terrors or nightmares, then make him more comfortable by turning on a night light in the room and allowing him to sleep with a favorite toy. Physical comfort, such as a firm sleep foundation is also key to a good night of sleep, as well as roomy and cozy pajamas.

Kids learn from example, so follow a regular bedtime ritual yourself. If your child's symptoms persist, then consider seeing a bedtime specialist. Sometimes sleep problems in children can be caused by depression or other anxiety disorders.

However, remember that each child is different. If they're energetic and active during the day, then don't worry if they're having occasional sleepless nights.

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Discover more information about treating sleep problems in children from Mike Selvon educational portal. We appreciate your feedback at our sleep disorder treatment blog.

Children talking in sleep

Children talking in sleep

Sleep Talking And Sleep Walking In Children - Important Facts Revealed

Author: Abhishek Agarwal

Sleep talking and Sleepwalking both belong to a group called 'Parasomnias' which are sleep disorders. It is not fully understood why it occurs, as it does not mean that your child has a psychological or physical problem which is causing this. Once a child is asleep, this will occur within one to three hours during deep sleep.

In children, sleep talking is more common than sleep walking, which do often happen at the same time. Children have a tendency to experience not just one or two, but all three types of parasomnias if it runs in their families.

The parents main concern is for their child's safety whilst they are sleepwalking. A child that is sleepwalking is not capable of making good judgement whilst he is up and about, as he would when he is awake and conscious, so injury is more likely to occur. Children who sleepwalk do not make much noise, so it is difficult for a parent to wake up when this is happening. Preventative measures need to be put in place to protect the child. The child's needs to be evaluated for any potential hazards. A sleepwalker should not have a bed that is too high or a bunk bed, which is totally out of the question. Before bedtime, obstacles such as books and toys should be picked up off the floor and tidied away. Check that all windows are locked and the bedroom door is closed, which will hopefully keep your child in their room and not wandering around the house. The parents may also consider putting alarm systems on the doors, windows and the sleepwalker's bed. Once a child reaches adolescence, the sleepwalking usually stops, although it is best to keep up the safety precautions.

Sleep talking is the more common problem in parasomnias. Some children that sleep talk can be easily understood as their words are clear when spoken. Others just mumble or make noises which are incoherent. Sometimes a child may appear upset and start talking loudly, so a parent should try to comfort them in some way and try not to wake them whilst doing so. They are best left alone if they are just talking, and you will probably find that the episode lasts a short time and your child is sleeping soundly again.

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About the Author

Abhishek is an expert Baby Shower organizer and he has got some great Baby Shower Secrets up his sleeve! Download his FREE 117 Pages Ebook, "How To Have A Roaringly Successful Baby Shower!" from his website . Only limited Free Copies available.

Children's behavior and Sleep- How they relate

Children's behavior can affect their sleep habits

Could your Child's behavioral problem be a sleep disorder!!

Author: Kathy Schenk

Could your Child's behavioral problem be a sleep disorder!!!!!

Sleeping pills are a controversial, and very addictive. Approximately fifteen percent of teenagers suffer from sleep disorders. This is a statistical measurement base on confirmed cases. Studies that have recently came out in order to understand the teenage brain, and when it is the most efficient in learning. Almost all teenagers stay up late. This is sometimes a sign of a sleep disorder, and then they have difficulty getting up in the morning. Introducing later start time in high schools will hopefully make high school years more successful and enjoyable. Getting the right medical help can be difficult. So many factors can be affecting your child's inability to get the required adequate quality sleep. Adhd, anxiety, depression, and many other disorders can contribute to a sleep disorder, and a sleep disorder can cause anxiety, depression, and inability to cope, and learn.

Delayed sleep phase syndrome is a sleep disorder in which the cycle of sleep and wakefulness in a person's 24-hour day is significantly delayed. As a result, the clock-dependent alerting mechanism in our brains that releases the hormones that give us energy gets activated a lot later at night than we may like it to. This is that person who complains about laying in bed awake till 2 or 3 in the morning.

This delayed sleep can make it very difficult to get up in the morning at the required time, if not impossible. When a sleep disorder starts showing up in a young child or even a baby it may be induced by a traumatic event, or in my scenario which may have been a lot of feedings through the night due to low birth weight. The feedings were prescribed by a doctor that I was to wake him up every 1.5 hours for feedings. Unfortunately, he continued on this routine till he was 22 months when I was up with him more than my new born. When I consulted with my family doctor, he assessed the situation as I had post-partum depression. Finally – when he was almost 17, a different family doctor decided to get him in for a sleep test. He would get up for school in the morning, after sleeping 4 or 5 hours, but was having many behavioral problems that sometimes look like he was bi-polar, and sometimes the hallucinations could be quite alarming. The worst of his behaviors was when he was 6 and he would charge at the wall to knock himself unconscious. Starting in December or January he would start having weekly suspensions from school due to his behavior. By the end of March he would be done for summer holidays. This was starting in grade 2, and he was lucky enough that school came to him easily, but unlucky in the way that his intelligence masked that there was something medically wrong. It gets to the point where he can't sleep for days, and then he just crashes for up to 24 hours. It is very sad to look back and think that there could have been a ways to make his life more tolerable. His behaviors would get extremely out of control, and psychotic. We went from Doctor to specialist and it was almost someone new every six months from the age of 6 to 17. He had totally given up on help. His sleep test results were that he woke up over a 100 times, getting to first phase sleep over and over, and only hit rem sleep for 12 minutes in the 3 and a half hours of his testing as he just woke up at that time.

My other son, who is now 15, has never been able to get out of bed. He would just like to stay there all day and night. Years of frustration just to get him out the door to school. Not as severe behavior problems, he just tried to sleep all the time!! I am not sure how, or when his sleep disorder started, but it may have been the anxiety of just getting to a babysitter so I could get to work. He was a great sleeper as a baby. His sleep test was about the same, except there was a longer sleep time. He woke 146 times, 12 of those wake up periods lasted 2 or more minute, but the rest where were 10 – 30 seconds in the 7 hour time.

There are some herbal remedies, natural supplements, and routine changes that can help.

Lavender is effective, and safe for babies. It is an essential oil that you can put a few drops on a Kleenex and tuck it under the child's pillow. Lavender is a common essential with relaxing and sedative effects. Other ways of using lavender with babies is in their bath water. This method has the sedative effects, while it helps to also heal and prevent diaper rashes, and other skin disorders such as eczema.

Valerian is a herb that can assist sleep as it seems to act like a sedative for the brain and the nervous system. Valerian is also useful for anxiety, depression, headaches, and migraines, and muscle and joint pain. This was useful with both of my boys, but not the answer. It is safe to use once in a while, when they were under twelve.

Melatonin is naturally produced by the brain when the sun goes down. Some teens get this out of wack because of puberty.

L- tryptophan seems to be the most useful of the supplements. This is the hormone that makes you sleepy when you eat turkey. This is used often in combination with the melatonin.

Light therapy can help by promoting the happy hormones also.

If you notice your child is having difficulty with falling asleep for long periods of time that is having an impact on their behavior, or getting up in the morning, it is time to get help. Prevention with medical intervention, counselling, and a diagnoses is the key factor. Don't let sleep deprivation run your family's life.

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About the Author

I am a mother of 5 teenagers which certainly has given me a lot of research to do in these times of increased stress. I have been a Registered Massage Therapist for 19 years which also requires more research as there is no such thing as a text book person. I am also an esthetician.

Thyroid and Insomnia

Thyroid and Insomnia How are they related?

How is Thyroid Problem Related With Insomnia?

Author: Raj Kumar

Insomnia is a state of sleeplessness through out the night. Since the recent past the percentage of insomniac people has taken its toll. One of the reasons for being unable to sleep can be the current life style of the individual. Unfortunately the youngsters of today do not seem to give good importance to rest their body. As the adage goes, early to bed and early to rise keeps one healthy. But these days very few people hardly follow the saying. The reason for ignoring the sleep could be many. In other cases there are men who desperately want to sleep but could not sleep. They spend the whole night tossing and turning. The reason for the sleeplessness could be varied depending on the individual age, sex, social status and medical conditions.

When we talk about the medical condition of the individual who are unable to sleep during the nights, the reasons could be in multitudes. Although, the predominant reason for the inability to sleep could be some kind of hormonal imbalance. The hormone thyroxin plays a major role to put the individual to sleep during the nights. Under secretion or over secretion of the hormone causes hormonal imbalance. The hormonal imbalance can be one of the chief reasons for many kinds of side effects. Insomnia is one among the serious side effects caused by it.

When we analyse the reason for what causes insomnia for the hypothyrodic or hyperthyrodic patients. The chief answer could be that the persons with abnormal thyroid activity have a slag in their metabolic rate. As a result of this sluggigh metabolism, the individual might suffer from sleeplessness during the nights. Once the problem is analysed properly, the treatment could be very simple to put the patients to normal routine with in few weeks.

Normally, treating the case with an herbal remedy could be the safest way to handle the problem. Many kinds of herbal remedy are available in the market like thyromine. However they have to be administered orally upon the advice of a trained doctor only. Although these are harmless, the individual has to know the reason for his insomnia. Only a doctor can analyse the problem aptly to prescribe the medication. Some times there are chances that you treat for some other problem while the real cause for the insomnia stays untreated.

In addition to this various thyroid treatment pills are also available in the market to treat the disease. Simply as a home remedy, one can try various iodine rich foods for activating the thyroid hormone. Iodised salt, sea foods seems to be rich in iodine. However they should not be consumed at a higher rate as excess is also dangerous. In addition to all these pills, sleep exercises greatly enhance to sleep. These exercises can be done in the evenings or some time before bed. Studies have proved that they have shown wonderful results when combined with the sleep therapy or with thyroid therapy. None the less they also can be tried separately.

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Chronic Fatigue, Anxiety, Mood Changes & Can't Lose Weight? It Could Be Your Thyroid

Author: Narelle Stegehuis

Chronic Fatigue, tiredness, mood changes and weight gain can be caused by hormones. If your hormones are not 'in balance' then you can find yourself experiencing symptoms such depression, headaches, insomnia, chronic fatigue, weight gain and you may struggle to lose weight naturally. Thyroid disease is one of the most common hormonal disorders, after insulin resistance and diabetes. The majority of women with thyroid imbalance have hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid). A small minority has hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). The problem is that symptoms of low thyroid function are often mistaken for depression, signs of ageing, or are not identified as in the case with Carolyn, Bev and Val. Click Here to read their journey with fatigue.

Common thyroid Condition linked to chronic fatigue:

  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
  • Post partum Thyroiditis
  • Thyroid Nodules & Cysts

What does your thyroid do and how does it cause chronic fatigue?

Your thyroid - a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of your neck - controls the functioning of every cell, organ and gland in your body. In addition, your thyroid regulates these functions:

  • The use of oxygen in all tissues,
  • The rate of repair of damaged of diseased tissues,
  • Your blood sugar levels by controlling the release of glucose (sugar) from the liver to the bloodstream,
  • Electrolyte and water balance in the cells and body,
  • Your circulatory system,
  • The energy and strength of the muscles,
  • The speed of the impulse going to nerves
  • Your libido
  • Your fat metabolism
  • Weight loss

Four main hormones produced by your thyroid gland directly affect your metabolism and body fat. They are thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine/levo-thyroxin (T4), and calcitonin (used in calcium metabolism).

Although your thyroid gland secretes and regulates these hormones, about 80% of the body's T3 is produced outside the thyroid gland, in the liver, by chemical modification of thyroxine or T4.

Hypothyroid women gain weight and find it difficult to lose weight because (i) their T4 is not being converted by the liver to the metabolically active form of T3 or (ii) the converted T3 hormones is not getting to the cellular level of the body – meaning that they are producing it, but their body can't use it.

Although most conventional practitioners only test for the inactive T4 hormone level, it is important to remember that active T3 thyroid hormone works inside every cell of the body – not only in the blood. If T3 isn't available at the cellular level, then those cells can't function properly. The T4 blood test does not test for this, but taking your body temperature does! I personally believe that your body temperature is the single best test of your thyroid function.

If you feel that your hormones could be making you gain weight and causing fatigue, take my quick hormonal test online click here

Symptoms of low thyroid function causing chronic fatigue

Every cell and tissue in your body is affected by hypothyroidism and deficient levels of the active T3 thyroid hormone can produce one or more of the following symptoms: weight gain, chronic fatigue, weakness, constipation, shortness of breath, depression, irritability, poor memory, difficulty concentrating, intolerance to cold, low body temperature, dry coarse hair/dry skin, hair loss, muscle or joint pain and stiffness, headaches, decreased libido, slow weight loss and elevated cholesterol or triglycerides.

Sadly, many hypothyroid symptoms are frequently dismissed by physicians as being a normal part of ageing, psychological problem, overwork, or some other condition. As a result, thyroid tests are never performed and the patient never receives the proper medical treatment they require.

What interferes with thyroid function causing chronic fatigue?

  • Insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome
  • Chronic stress/adrenal depletion – there is a strong interplay between the thyroid and the adrenals. One is usually weak first and then weakens the other.
  • Prescription drugs including Dilantin, Lithium, beta blockers, Premarin, birth control pills and some anti-depressants.
  • Frequent X-rays – from dental or medical exams or radiation treatment to the head, neck or chest
  • Thyroid inhibiting foods – Over-consumption of soy and raw thyroid-inhibiting foods, such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale.
  • Environmental, synthetic and genetically engineered hormones (oestrogen and other hormones) in meat, dairy, poultry and eggs. Also conditions such as poly cystic ovarian disorder, fibroids, IVF treatment and menopause.
  • Exercise – The receptors for the thyroid hormones are found deep within the cells, and exercise stimulates the thyroid by increasing oxygen to the cells. When you exercise and breathe more oxygen into your body, you speed up your metabolism and the heat in your body rises. So, to pump up your metabolism, you need to pump some iron to heat up your cell's ‘fat burners' by giving them more oxygen.
  • Dieting – During a restrictive diet that is either too low calorie or deficient in essential nutrients, the body produces less of the liver enzymes, thus converting less T4 and producing less T3. Perhaps the biggest problem with diets is that most leave you with less muscle and more fat than when you started. Researchers have found that low calorie and low carbohydrate diets eventually suppress T3 hormone levels in the body by providing insufficient fuel for the thyroid and body to function properly.
  • Heavy metal exposure – mercury is a toxic heavy metal, which comprises over 50% of ‘silver' dental fillings and is found in cigarettes. Mercury interferes with the liver's production of 5-deodinase, an enzyme that is critical in converting thyroid hormones.
  • Chlorine – added to most municipal water supplies as a disinfectant.
  • Fluoride – primary sources include toothpaste, dental products, municipal water supplies, pesticide, and residues on commercially grown foods.

Tests for thyroid function linked with chronic fatigue

If you are doing everything right and still felling unwell and suffering from chronic fatigue, there is definitely something going on that needs to be addressed. Perhaps you are suffering from hypothyroidism (an under-active thyroid) or sub-clinical hypothyroidism (you have symptoms but the blood tests are normal).

Let's assume you are overweight and think you have hypothyroidism. You've been to the doctor with complaints of weight gain, slow weight loss, chronic fatigue, cold hands and feet, and ‘brain fog'. The doctor examines you and performs some blood tests, including thyroid tests, and all the tests come back normal. However you are sure you must have an under-active thyroid as you have all the symptoms, including a low body temperature, but the doctor decides to not prescribe any treatment. You go home, sentenced to a life of weight gain, chronic fatigue and feeling plain unwell. This scenario is played out again and again until one day you finally fall below the 'reference' ranges.

The Barnes temperature test for thyroid function and chronic fatigue

If you feel that your thyroid is sluggish and you think you may be hypothyroid, testing your thyroid is important. You can take the do-it-yourself Barnes Thyroid Temperature Test, as an inexpensive, yet surprisingly accurate, initial test for chronic fatigue. Before the advent of the blood test, the Barnes basal temperature test and patients symptoms were all physicians had available to them to test thyroid function.

Doing the Barnes self temperature test will give you a starting point to determine if you may have hypothyroidism and need to have further confirmatory tests to establish why you are suffering from chronic fatigue.

How to test your thyroid and find out why you are chronically fatigued.

Place a thermometer (preferably digital) within easy reach on the bedside table. Place the thermometer in your armpit for five minutes. Try to move as little as possible because movement will raise your body temperature.

Record your temperature each morning for five days. (For women, additional consideration is needed during ovulation, since ovulation somewhat elevates temperature. Because of this, women who menstruate should start recording their temperature on the second or third day of menstruation.)

A reading of 36.4 degrees or lower may indicate low thyroid function and be a cause of your chronic fatigue.

Serum (blood) test for hypothyroidism

If your temperature is low, you may want to request further testing. If you want to go the conventional medical test route you need to request that your physician perform the T3, free T3, sensitive TSH, reverse T3, and anti-thyroid antibody tests. Remember that the standard T4 blood test for thyroid function only measures T4 (the inactive form of the hormone) function and is rarely sensitive enough to determine hypothyroidism. That is why I recommend that you ask your doctor to perform the other blood tests to get to the cause of your chronic fatigue.

In my clinical experience, most thyroid blood tests will come back within a 'normal range', but the patient still shows signs of (sub-clinical) hypothyroidism such as a low body (basal) temperature, etc. There is research indicating that the reference ranges are too broad and do not cater for the individual – I guess we are not all the same after all!

The good news is that new and more accurate salivary and urine thyroid tests have become available.

The salivary thyroid test

Salivary and urine thyroid testing to the rescue! That's right. Your saliva and urine now hold the key to determining whether or not you have an under-active thyroid causing your chronic fatigue. This brand new technology promised to change the lives of the millions of individuals suffering with an undiagnosed under-active thyroid. Because it tests thyroid function at the cellular level, the salivary/and or urine thyroid panel has been found to be more accurate than the blood tests in identifying an under-active thyroid. Urine thyroid tests are available from my online dispensary.

The thyroid salivary test measures T3, T4 and free TSH. The salivary or urine thyroid test also measures antibodies against thyroperoxidase, an important enzyme involved in the production of thyroid hormone. Positive antibodies are a sign of an autoimmune process (the immune system attacking the body's own thyroid tissue).

Reviving your thyroid and stopping chronic fatigue in its tracks.

If your thyroid gland is found to be sluggish and the cause of your chronic fatigue, through any of the various tests, you may first try the natural non-drug approach to reviving your thyroid.

  • Identify what is causing it to be sluggish – e.g. stress, chemical exposure, etc.
  • Check your basal body temperature.
  • Consult your GP if necessary and request specific blood tests and discuss any possible need for medication changes.
  • Change your diet – different foods do interfere with thyroid function. You may wish to consult a naturopath for help with this.
  • Consult a herbalist – herbs such as withania, coleus, rehmania, kelp, etc. , are helpful if used in the correct dosages.
  • Improve your liver function.

Avoiding the toxins I mentioned earlier and increasing your intake of iodine-rich foods such as seafood, asparagus, sea vegetables (kelp), garlic, lima beans, sesame seeds, spinach, Swiss chard and sea salt can be helpful.

The bottom line is most of the above symptoms may sound familiar – it's not unusual for a 30, 40, or 50 something woman to feel tired, burnt out, and a little bit overweight and this makes hypothyroidism that much harder to diagnose. However there are few things more frustrating than feeling chronically fatigued and unwell. It can take a while to get the right diagnosis. Remember though, if you are feeling unwell – there is most likely something triggering it. Ignoring the problem won't make it go away.

Getting a correct diagnosis is crucial when you realise that being treated can be a life-affirming event. So explore your options and strive for a better, healthy life!

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About the Author

Narelle Stegehuis, CEO of MassAttack, and BumpFertility is a Naturopath specializing in the treatment of PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis & Thyroid imbalance. Uniquely her services are offered online. She is both an accomplished writer and recent recipient of the Australian Naturopathic Excellence Award.

What do your dreams mean

What do your dreams mean?

Dream Interpretation: ‘The 5 Most Common Dreams' – But What Do They Mean?

Author: Mike Clarke

Most of us dream during our sleep, but rarely do we take the time to discover what these dreams are telling us about our lives. In this article you will discover what the subconscious messages in your dreams are telling you about your life and what you should do about them.

#5 – Hair Falling Out

Dream: This is a reasonably common dream that is often remembered upon waking due to its shocking/believable nature. They tend to involve discovering that a prominent physical feature is missing or is beginning to fall out such as hair or teeth.

Meaning: You may be afraid of being viewed as unattractive or unwanted. It can also mean that you are embarrassed about a short-term event occurring in your life, where you are concerned about being made to look like a fool.

Suggestion: Take stock of the way others view you, if you are self-conscious about a certain part of your physique, consider trying to change it. You may be subconsciously anxious which would hold you back from living life to the full.

#4 – I Can't Find The Toilet!

Dream: Sound Familiar? This feels like endless hours searching for the toilets, only to find that they are either all engaged or out of order...

Meaning: There is the possibility that you actually need the toilet whilst sleeping but are unable to awake yourself from your dream! Outside of that possibility, this dream can indicate that you are unhappy with the level of privacy you have in your life.

Suggestion: Wake up and go to the bathroom! But seriously, consider the amount of privacy and ‘alone time' you have in your everyday life as this could be the source of your frustration.

#3 - Illness

Dream: Often occurring at a time when either you or a loved one is ill, this dream can provide you with insights as to how you really feel about a person – whether it be yourself or someone close to you.

Meaning: If you are the one that is ill in the dream, it can mean that you are either physically or emotionally hurting and that you are concerned as to how long it could last/what the long term effects are. If it is a loved one, it can mean that you either wish they would no longer be a part of your life or that you fear losing them. Mystics would also argue that we are capable of predicting future illnesses of loved ones and that we should prepare accordingly!

Suggestion: Not a lot to suggest with this one, other than keep an eye on your health in case you have unknown powers of premonition!

#2 - Being Followed or Chased

Dream: Often one of the most traumatic dreams, this one can unfortunately seem to last forever! It can also be one of the hardest to interpret as there are a number of plausible explanations. The object following you will often take the form of an animal, but can also be a ‘monster' or a human.

Meaning: Something is making you feel threatened. Consider what it is in your real life that makes you feel like you did in your dream. It can be anything from a family member, a work colleague or even an emotion that is making you feel this way. It might be a feeling you are trying to avoid, a conflict you don't want to face up to or an unpleasant memory you are trying to forget.

Suggestion: First of all, find out what it is that is making you feel this way.Then, you need to find a way of avoiding this person/emotion as it is clearly going to be holding you back.

#1 – Falling

Dream: Reportedly the most common dream. Don't worry – you won't die if you hit the floor! During this dream we will often be falling for an extended period of time, frightened and feeling helpless as we head towards the unknown.

Meaning: This can mean you are lacking confidence, beginning to lose control or feeling like you aren't being given enough support at a key time in your life. Maybe feeling overwhelmed or dejected, this dream typically means that you have a long-term issue requiring attention.

Suggestion: Face whatever problem you have that is beginning to get the better of you. It is highly recommended that you also share this problem with someone who you can turn to and trust.

Revealing the secrets of our subconscious allows us ground-breaking developments in our personal lives. This is something you definitely don't want to miss out on... I highly recommend that you follow this link right now - Click Here!

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About the Author

Mike is an expert writer on technology, self-help and modern culture.

You can follow him on twitter @techie_mike.

Waking up too early

Waking up too early? Is it a part of insomnia?

Waking Too Early? it May be Terminal Insomnia

Author: Bridgett Raffenberg

Have you been waking up way before your alarm clock buzzes, only to find that you can not get back to sleep? After it happens the first time you might have decided to just start the day early. You get up and actually get some things done before breakfast. Maybe getting up at 4am wasn’t too bad. But then your day gets terribly long and you find that you’re dragging by late afternoon. And what’s worse is that now this waking up at 4am is becoming a pattern. You are finding that you are waking up way too early and your mind is awake and ready to get up. As much as you try, you can not doze off. You have a problem.

According to a Natural Sleep Foundation survey, more than 50% of women aged 30 to 60 have trouble sleeping. When we think of insomnia it often conjures up getting into bed at night and than not being able to fall asleep. But, did you know that a pattern of waking up too early is also a form of insomnia? It is called terminal insomnia.

With terminal insomnia, sufferers wake too early in the morning. Many people with terminal insomnia have no trouble getting to sleep when they go to bed. They have little trouble staying asleep either. They just wake up too early. Many sufferers of terminal insomnia do not even realize they are suffering from a common form of insomnia. But when it becomes a recurring problem and your daily life suffers, you need to solve your insomnia issue.

To learn more about Insomnia Symptoms, join others at where you will find this and much more, including the topic of Causes of Insomnia.

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Bridgett Raffenberg is a former technology teacher who loves techno-gadgets and social media. Known as the 'Martha Stewart' of her neighborhood, she also enjoys internet marketing, real estate investing and volunteering.

To learn more about Insomnia Symptoms, visit her at

Side effects of Melatonin

Side effects of Melatonin

Melatonin Side Effects: the Good and the Bad

Author: Isabel Tay

You are right in checking out melatonin’s side effects. You want to try this popular natural sleep aid or have started on it for a while that you want to know if you are experiencing some melatonin side effects.

Melatonin is undoubtedly one of the most popular over the counter sleep aids. You would probably be familiar by now about its benefits especially in jet lag and getting your internal body clock back on track. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. Long-term studies on humans are also not available.

The good news is melatonin is generally regarded as safe in recommended doses for short-term use (three months or less) according to the National Institute of Health (NIH). Looking at available studies and clinical use, melatonin’s overall side effects are not significantly more common than placebo, the control group that didn’t take melatonin. Commonly experienced melatonin side effects include fatigue, dizziness, headache, irritability, and sleepiness, although these effects may occur due to jet lag and not to melatonin itself.

In that context of its overall safety profile, you should still keep a watch out for out-of-the-norm melatonin side effects that have been reported and raised some concerns. These are:

1. Blood clotting abnormalities (particularly in people taking warfarin)

2. Seizures
Melatonin may lower seizure threshold and increase the risk of seizure, particularly in children with severe neurologic disorders. However, multiple other studies actually report reduced incidence of seizure with regular melatonin use. Hence, this remains an area of controversy.

3. Disorientation with overdose
This is accompanied by confusion, sleepwalking, vivid dreams, and nightmares. Fortunately, these melatonin side effects often resolve after stopping melatonin.

4. Mood changes including giddiness and dysphoria (sadness)

5. Psychotic symptoms
Hallucinations and paranoia are possibly due to an overdose. People with underlying major depression or psychotic disorders taking melatonin should be monitored closely by a healthcare professional.

6. Hormonal changes

This affects both men and women. For men, increased breast size (gynecomastia), decreased sperm count and decreased sperm motility have been reported. Fortunately, these are resolved after stopping melatonin.

For women, decreases or increases in levels of reproductive, thyroid and growth hormones have been reported. High levels of melatonin during pregnancy may increase the risk of developmental disorders. In animal studies, melatonin is detected in breast milk.

7. Elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia)
This melatonin side effect is mainly reported in patients with type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes). Low doses of melatonin reduced glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in these cases.

Avoid Melatonin if:
1. You are taking the blood-thinning medication like warfarin, aspirin or heparin.
2. You have neurologic disorders and taking anti-epileptic drugs
3. You are suffering from depression or other psychotic disorders
4. You have diabetes especially Type 1 diabetes
5. You are pregnant or are a nursing mother

Overall, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Always weigh the benefits versus the risks of any natural sleep aid. Find not just any doctor but one who is familiar with your health profile to help you weigh the benefits and side effects of melatonin. Remember that with all natural sleep aids, not just melatonin, always use them for the short term to solve your sleep problems.

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Melatonin is not your only choice. Here’s the Fast Guide To 5 Popular Natural OTC Sleep Aids or understand more about OTC Sleep Aids in OTC Sleep Aids: A Quick Overview

This information is provided by, a publication resource of HealthInsiderToday

An Insight to Melatonin

Author: Irena g Ostrosky.

What is melatonin? Why is it important and what is its functioning? Well, melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland. This gland is found in the hypothalamus. The core function of this gland is to induce a relaxing, peaceful and deep sleep. Melatonin production is highest during the night and naturally signals the body that it is time to sleep. However, with the busy and tight work schedules, many individuals are suffering from severe cases of insomnia. People with insomnia naturally lack this substance. This is why their bodies will not shift to a restful sleep phase at night.

A good melatonin sleep aid or melatonin supplement is available over the counter and they contain real sleep regulating melatonin. Getting proper sleep during the night is essential because it is through sleep that the body can repair itself. It is also proved that, beside from its sleep inducing properties, melatonin also involves scavenging of free radicals at night while an individual is asleep. When you sleep, melatonin begins to work. It is also referred to as a body's trash collector as it goes to every cell in the human body and cleans out the free radicals and their toxins that are harmful to other cells.

Melatonin is perhaps one of the most powerful anti-oxidant for human body. There are some factors like old age and illnesses responsible for the production of melatonin. Stressful life conditions and lifestyles are however man made causes for its decline. Unbalanced life style, irregular sleeps, long working hours, stressful occupations can all derail normal melatonin sleep production, thereby creating the need for a melatonin dosage.

Melatonin supplement does more than just inducing sleep. It also reinforces the body's capacity to make more of its own melatonin again. With the help of this supplement, one can begin to have a normal sleep pattern. Of course, it can begin to produce melatonin on its own. This means that this sleeping aid works exactly on the opposite path as addiction. The more you utilize a good melatonin, the lesser you will need it in future. However, ensure that you don't take melatonin overdose as it can cause some negative effect on your body.

For over a decade, melatonin has been studied widely for use in connection with the spread of certain types of cancer. Yes, it helps in preventing and curing breast cancer. The melatonin supplement is quite effective in aiding sleep as well as travel fatigue. Further, it has been proved that the melatonin supplements have neuro-protective properties that may be useful both for the management of patients with Alzheimer's disease and for the prevention of the said condition.

The reduction of melatonin in the pineal gland causes frequent sleep disturbances, increase in confusion, poor decision making, disorientation, elevated agitation and more pronounced psychological symptoms among patients. The melatonin benefits the overall functioning of the human body. In order to purchase melatonin sleeping aid, get onto the web and get it in reasonable price.

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About the Author

Irena Ostrosky is the author of this article on Melatonin Jet Lag. Find more information on Melatonin Overdose here.

Help with snoring

Help with snoring

Help For Those Who Suffer From Snoring

Author: maya vision

Help For Those Who Suffer From Snoring

Many physicians note that people who snore often have other physical ailments. Disruptive sleeping often indicates that a person might have a heart ailment or a respiratory condition. To help these individuals who suffer from snoring, doctors recommend that they undergo certain procedures or take precautionary measures.

In fact, this condition may be noticed as early as childhood. Pediatricians often theorize that children should not snore. If they do, it may be because they have enlarged tonsils or adenoids. They might also have allergies or blocked sinuses.

To remedy this, their pediatrician typically recommends that children undergo a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Removing these tissues clears the airways and makes for better breathing at nighttime. It also impedes the onset of allergies and sinusitis. Additionally, children might also be prescribed antihistamines and inhalers to improve their respiration.

Adults who snore often do so because of respiratory challenges or heart conditions. Patients with enlarged hearts and high blood pressure have difficulty breathing well at night because their heart must pump harder to circulate blood. This forced breathing disrupts the person's normal sleep patterns.

Likewise, adults who snore may have chronic sinus ailments. Their doctor may recommend that they use saline spray to clear out infectious agents and to reduce congestion. Some physicians also recommend that people wear snoring devices, like breathing masks, to promote healthy respiration when they sleep. Individuals who wear this mask may notice that they sleep better and feel more energized during the day.

Various stop snoring solutions are available for people who suffer from snoring. This condition is generally not normal and might indicate that a person has other health challenges that need to be addressed. Children may need to have their tonsils and adenoids removed and be prescribed medications. Adult patients might be prescribed breathing masks to assist them in sleeping better during the evening.

Since snoring is not funny learn why it is unhealthy and try your best to treat it. The devices such as pills and sprays should be used. The mouthpiece should also be put into frequent use.

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123snoring is the best place to shop online for snoring devices

and other stop snoring solutions

There is Help for Snoring

Author: Wendell and Charmayne

Yes there is help for snoring other than the elbow in the ribs method! Like most people who snore, I was always on the lookout for an effective stop snoring product. Or maybe I should say my wife was always looking for me.

Humanity has been looking for treatments for snoring for as long as we have been sleeping. Today there is help for snoring but the key is to find effective help. Some methods to control snoring are temporary at best or they simply do not work. If you are a chronic snorer I'm sure you know about sleeping on your side rather than your back. This does help but it is only temporary, you will start to snore again.

Although there are no products on the market that cure snoring, several anti snoring products and devices are available to provide some relief to the snorer and allow both the snorer and his or her family to receive a better quality night's sleep.

Because of its critical nature, let's first look at Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea occurs when the nasal passages are blocked so severely that the sleeper is unable to breath. However, sleep apnea can occur without snoring or obstruction. It is a life-threatening disease and those who suspect that Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the problem, whether or not they snore, should consult a physician or sleep center for diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

In your quest to stop snoring now you will find medical procedures as well as products used as treatments for snoring. Medical procedures are costly and have been known to be ineffective in a large number of people. Other remedies for snoring include the CPAP mask. It is costly and uncomfortable. It does provide help for snoring if you use it, but studies have shown a large number of people will stop using it because of the inconvenience.

My recommendation for an effective stop snoring product is the stop snoring spray. It is not costly and is effective to control snoring. It will not cure a person's physical abnormalities which cause you to snore, but it an effective remedy for snoring. The other advantage is, a quality stop snoring spray will be an all-natural, homeopathic oral spray designed to help alleviate the symptoms that may be causing you to snore, so you and your partner can get the benefits that come with getting a better quality sleep. And there is no discomfort while sleeping.

For more information on help for snoring visit;

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About the Author Is a site dedicated to helping people who snore to get the help they need to get a good nights sleep. If you are looking for an answer to the question How Do I Stop Snoring you will find it here. Have a good nights sleep!

Sleep deprivation study

Sleep deprivation study

Answers To Sleep Deprivation Symptoms

Author: Taylor

Everybody needs to sleep. It usually is to loosen up from a tough day or to rest your brain. It really is a surperb way to get rid of something for just a while. A sleep quote from Carrie Snow says, "No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap." It is not important your actual age, how rich or how busy, you require a good night's sleep.

Sometimes, you will discover logic behind why your body won't sleep even if you have already been lying on your bed for a long time. Consider sleep deprivation symptoms. This can also cause a more chronic and serious variety of lack of sleep or insomnia:

- Fatigue and Change in Appetite - Sometimes, being too tired will not help make you fall asleep easier. Actually, it'll cause your body to remain awake unless you are more comfortable. Insomnia also leads to a person to eat more food.

- Memory Loss and Poor Concentration - Insomnia impairs cognitive skills. You discover it tough to recall things that happened within the same day and you cannot focus properly with work as well as inconsequential things.

- Irritability and Unresponsiveness - If you think that you've got no motivation to interact with others or you are noticing that even the tiniest thing can set you off, your irritability might be because of lack of sleep.

A famous sleep quote says that "Sleep is for the weak". Sleep makes strong and smart people wanting to handle anything their day throws at them. Being well-rested helps to make the mind alert and the entire body rejuvenated. Thomas Aquinas even said "Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep." In case you have lack of sleep, there are paths so that you can repair the problem.

To help remedy sleep deprivation symptoms, try to turn in relaxed and comfy. Some people just jump into bed right after a long day. You cannot just relax the body when you sleep, it's also advisable to relax your brain.

Enjoy a balanced diet and have frequent exercise. An effective run gives you a proper kind of exhaustion. It's not necessarily enough to eat vegatables and fruits. It's also advisable to eat while in the correct time. Do not eat food around your bedtime.

In case your sleep deprivation symptoms persist, it's time to consult a specialist. Your sleeping issues may well be a symptom of a far more serious condition. Chronic lack of sleep might cause hallucinations, memory loss, extra weight as well as diabetes. Don't lose time waiting for your condition to worsen before seeking your doctor.

The world's best men and women have spoken about the joys and wonders of sleep in quotes now immortalized. Using the Dalai Lama, "Sleep is the best meditation." It was actually F. Scott Fitzgerald that once said "The worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to." Usually do not endure lack of sleep. Seek treatment, transform your habits and create a lifestyle change!

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About the Author

Georgina Taylor is researching sleep deprivation symptoms coupled with sleep quotes.

Safe sleeping pills

Safe sleeping pills- Is there a such thing?

Controller Supplements Vs Sleeping Pills

Author: Ivan S. Pullicino B.Pharm. (Hons.) M.Sc.

Another drawback is that sleep medication will stay in your blood stream, so you may not feel very "refreshed" the following morning. It can give you a hangover effect.

These drugs also carry a potential for abuse, which on increasing the dose can lead to unconsciousness, surgical anesthesia and at excessive doses, coma and ultimately death.

So before deciding that sleeping pills are the answer to your sleepless nights, think again. Clearly, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. Firstly, after a couple of weeks your body will get used to the sleeping pills and will develop a tolerance to them, therefore they will not have the same effect on you. They can also become addictive; regardless of the risk of one increasing the dosage due to addictiveness or the tolerance that is created against the sleeping pills. Also, the short term effects of sleeping pills, which one will go through everyday, are quite unpleasant: hangover effect the next morning, dry eyes, mouth and nose.

There are other alternatives one can try – natural herb remedies. Herbal remedies are non-addictive. There is also no risk of tolerance involved.

Alta Care Laboratoires – Paris have launched the Controller Range on the market, a range designed specifically to aid at promoting a refreshing night's sleep, helping you wake up refreshed and ready for your daily challenges. Continuous use of the Controller Range does not result in addictiveness or tolerance. In fact, as opposed to sleeping pills, continuous use of the Controller Range helps the body to naturally regulate sleep patterns.

The Controller Range is also an ideal remedy for not just insomniacs, but also for light sleepers, for those people who do not manage to have one long sleep, but wake up regularly during the night or also take a long time to actually get to sleep.

The Controller Range is also beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety, have different work routines that disrupt their sleep pattern or drink a lot of caffeine products. An important factor to appreciate in the Controller range is that one achieves higher and longer lasting energy levels during the day. Controller reduces anxiety and stress, whilst enhancing concentration and focus. The Controller products regenerate physical and mental capacity and help at maintaining a strong, healthy immune system. Furthermore, they boost mental oxygen intake and delivery, plus support the natural nocturnal release of hormones and endorphins.

Controller Natural Sleep Syrup contains extracts of Hypericum, which is used to treat insomnia and fights tiredness and exhaustion and enhances mental capacities. Also found in Controller Syrup is the extract Tilia Cordata, which aids and promotes better quality sleep. Another two extracts: Melissa Officinalis and Valeriana Officinalis are used as mild sedatives, and when used together are effective in improving quality of sleep. Controller Natural Sleep Syrup also contains Chamomile, which is widely used for its relaxing and sedating properties.

Alta Care Laboratoires – Paris, do not dilute their syrups with water, thus the active ingredients are stronger and therefore give better effective results. The rich ingredients of Controller Natural Sleep Syrup are diluted in sugar-free honey and Pineapple juice, guaranteeing an excellent taste!

Controller Syrup is to be taken at one teaspoon at night, before going to bed, for a minimum of one month.
The Controller Natural Sleep Ampoules are made up of high quality ‘fresh' natural ingredients. In ampoules, unlike in the case of tablets and capsules, the extracts do not go through manufacturing processes (like drying, compressing, etc), in which the extracts lose a lot of there activity.

Controller Natural Sleep Ampoules contain extracts of HTML, which promote better quality sleep, and facilitate one's falling to sleep.
Controller Ampoules are to be administered at night, before going to bed, one ampoule every night.

The Controller Soup contains Marjoram, a phyto-extract known for its sedating and relaxing properties. Infusions of Chamomile have been also used because they help in the treatment of restlessness and in mild cases of insomnia due to nervous disorders. Passiflora and Basil were incorporated to promote sleep.

Apart from being very economical, Controller Soup contains no artificial additives, agents or taste enhancers, but only vegetables that are all organic with a very high content of minerals and active substances. Moreover, no preservatives are needed as it is conserved in a 300g decompressed tin. Controller Soup is gluten free and high in fibre as the vegetables are in a fibre base. It is extremely fast and easy to prepare as it only takes blending five teaspoons of this unique instant mix in a bowl, with 40cl of boiling water.

The Controller Range, by Alta Care Laboratoires – Paris gives marvellous results, helping one to have a refreshing night's sleep and a recharged feeling in the morning.

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About the Author

ALTA CARE Laboratoires, an independent multinational company with head offices on Avenue Champs-Elysees, Paris. Founded by pharmacists who work in the EU, With over twenty years of experience in professional consultancy ALTA CARE Laboratoires over the years has produced products for other multinational companies.

Recently, the group of pharmacists and doctors decided not to work exclusively for third parties but also to build its own brand ALTA CARE Laboratoires.

ALTA CARE Laboratoires immediately expanded its know how in the manufacture of nutriceuticals and phyto-therapy to produce an exclusively innovative line of products specializing in food supplements, luxury skincare products and aesthetic machinery.

ALTA CARE Laboratoires full range of products can be viewed on

Does counting sheep help you sleep

Does counting sheep help you sleep?

Does Counting Sheep Work as a Sleep Aid?

Author: gladys906

“One sheep, two sheep, three sheep……….zzzzzzzzz.” Hey! Did someone just doze off into that grassy hillside where all those sheep like to spend their time jumping over fences? It’s true what you’ve heard. Counting sheep actually works if you want to find a method for falling asleep! This is due to a simple fact about concentration and relaxation. The mind tends to become focused and relaxed over an extended period of concentration and counting sheep tends to make a person concentrate and relax at the same time.

Sleeplessness is a problem that a lot of people face when they have to finish something important or when something is bothering them. People who face difficulty concentrating or who experience memory lapses, energy loss, fatigue, lethargy or emotional instability, need to learn to focus their minds. Simple techniques like focusing the mind on something completely different can actually have a positive effect on a person’s ability to relax. Without this practice, problems like sleeplessness can affect people’s work performance or driving ability. Serious consequences like driving and workplace accidents can also occur due to severe lack of sleep. Counting sheep is actually a form of meditation that has been popularized over the centuries.

Counting sheep isn’t the only method available. In order to prevent impairments, you can find your own ways to make your sleep more peaceful. Taking pills is a common solution but this often has serious side effects which result in a bigger problem later on. Counting sheep or even playing soft music, however, can be relatively harmless. Some sleep aids can help you sleep and some cannot. The important thing is to find out what type of sleep aid is right for you.

Melatonin supplements are actually one great way to make yourself sleep better through the night. Melatonin is a hormone that is made in the pineal gland and also found in the brain. It increases its potency during the night and decreases at dawn. Although there is no conclusive scientific proof that the supplement supports sleep, many people insist on its benefits. Typically people take 1 milligram (mg) or 3 mg melatonin tablets. They come in very small 300 microgram tablets or as big as 10 mg tablets. Still, it is commonly advised to consult the family doctor before taking this supplement. It is possible that your condition could be part of a more serious disorder in which case the sleeplessness may get worse without the help of a medical professional. If melatonin is right for you, your doctor will recommend the right dosage.

In addition to Melatonin and counting sheep, there are also prescription drugs that can make you sleep better. These include Lunesta, Ambien, Sonata, Desyrel, and Restoril. Prescription drugs are effective in making you sleep but they can have side-effects like light-headedness, erectile dysfunction, drowsiness during the day, dizziness and having an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Taking prescription drugs should only be taken with precaution. Most of them prohibit you from driving or operating machinery after taking them. This is even true for prescription drugs the morning after you take them. Prescription drugs can be dangerous to your health when you take more than the recommended dose and when don’t follow the instructions of your doctor.

Finally, there are some practical ways that you can learn to sleep better and you do not have to ask the advice of a doctor. One of these methods is to buy dark colored curtains for your window. This will make it very dark inside the room when it is time to sleep. The street lights will not show inside your room and, if you suffer from what is known as “Seasonal Affective Disorder” or sensitivity to too much sunlight, you can hang the colored curtains during summer because that is the time the sun will set the earliest. You can also buy eye shades or eye masks to help you with your sleep problems. These are used to cover your eyes when you first go to sleep. You can buy these from drugs stores and specialty stores that sell foot massage machines and mini spas.

Sleeping is very important so that we can start the day out right. If you sleep the right hours, you can make the following day worthwhile for you and for the others around you. You won’t feel irritable, angry or sad and this will make for a more pleasant day for everyone. Now that you know the truth, it’s time to get back to counting those sheep! Good luck and see you on the hillside with that pleasant smile drifting across your face!

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Virtual Assistant

Sleep sense program

Sleep sense program

Sleeptracks Sleep Optimization Program - My Personal Review

Author: Chelsea Ricafort

Are you looking for information about the Sleeptracks Sleep Optimization Program? I have tried the product and will give you my thoughts on it.

Are you always having trouble sleeping at night? Does it seem like every time you try to get some sleep you, you could not do it? And if you do get some sleep you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep? Well, it seems you have insomnia. But you are not alone in this; a lot of people are suffering this.

I share your pain as I have been battling insomnia for years. Ever since I started working I could not go to sleep when I want to. It has affected my life and my career to the point where I was on the verge of suffering from depression. I have tried countless exercises and methods that people recommended but sadly, none of them worked.

Then I came across the Sleeptracks Sleep Optimization Program and I tell you, it is the only thing I spent money on that was worth it.

It literally cured my insomnia after listening to the tracks that the program provided. It has tracks for every type of sleeping problem that you can think of. I definitely prefer this more natural method of curing your insomnia as sleeping pillls can cause a lot of side effects that can be detrimental to your long term health. I am so relieved to have finally cured this problem and move on with my life without worrying about how I would be able to perform on my job the next day. I highly recommend this product to anyone experiencing sleeping problems such as I did.

To visit the Sleeptracks Sleep Optimization Program homepage, click here.

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Chelsea is a receptionist living in Houston who writes during her spare time.

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Lack of sleep causes you to overeat

Lack of sleep causes you to overeat

Get Some Sleep to Prevent an Overeat!

Author: Helen Kartika

"Sleep is like a bank account. Every day you draw on the balance and if you don't deposit around 8 hours a night you end up overdrawn." -Dr. David Hamilton, Sleep Health Foundation

I'll be the first to admit that with a busy schedule consistent with work deadlines, trying to keep a clean house whilst also attempting to live a balanced social life, that sleep is not always my priority.

Apparently, a 7am wake up with a midnight bedtime (a common occurrence) is as bad as drink driving. Studies show that 17 hours without sleep is the equivalent of having a blood alcohol level of 0.05. So technically at bedtime I'm the equivalent of being legally drunk, and without a good night's sleep I'm pretty much turning up to work tipsy!

Not only that but a study at the Roosevelt Hospital in New York showed that men and women who suffered from a lack of sleep consumed an average of 300 more calories a day compared to when they had been sleeping normally. A similar study showed that adults lost 55 % less fat when they got 5.5 hours of sleep a night when compared to those who slept for 8.5 hours.

Why does this occur?

Less sleep means that the body increases energy and fat intakes, slows the metabolism by 5 to 20 percent whilst also increasing the body's stress hormone, cortisol.

3 Tips to help you sleep:

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes- Alcohol will help you to sleep but may disrupt it during the night. Caffeine and cigarettes are stimulants and will keep you awake if consumed before bed.
  • Your bed is a place for sleep- Don't let technology or other distractions interfere with your rest. Train your body to identify your bed with sleep.
  • Minimise the daytime nap- If it's absolutely necessary allow only a 20-30 minute nap during the day. Otherwise, you'll find it much more difficult to sleep well at night.

Lucy : )

What are your thoughts about sleep and weight loss?

This article is from The Digest Blog where you can find interesting articles on weight loss, wellness, fitness and nutrition as well as motivational pieces at

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Sleep disturbances in children

Sleep disturbances in children

Not A Minor Inconvenience: Sleep Disturbances in Children

Author: K. Leeds

In a study of some eleven thousand children being monitored for over six years, it has been found that sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in young children leads to an increased frequency of developmental difficulties with behavior such as hyperactivity or aggressiveness as well as other emotional anomalies and a marked straining with peer relationships. The relatively new study, which has been published in an online journal, is comprised of analyses of the stacked effects of snoring, sleep apnea, and mouth breathing patterns of children enrolled in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a U.K. based project.

Participating parents were interviewed via questionnaires about the children's sleep disordered breathing symptoms at regular intervals, as they progressed from six months to 6 years of age. As the children approached four to seven years of age, their parents were asked to fill out the standard questionnaire used to asses and pinpoint possible behavioral difficulties known as the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The researchers had control groups for fifteen confounding variables that could potentially skew the results of the study due to unstudied factors. These included socio-economic status, smoking of the mother through the first trimester, and of course, low birth weight. Researchers found that those children diagnosed with sleep disordered breathing were anywhere from 40% to 100% more likely to develop behavioral problems by the age of seven when compared with children that did not have breathing problems during sleep. Furthermore, the study showed the largest increase to be in hyperactivity, although there were significant increases in all five of the behavioral aspects measured.

The conclusion that researchers reached was that SDB potentially caused behavioral problems due to the effect it has on the brain. By decreasing levels of O2, and increasing the levels of CO2 in the prefrontal cortex, sleep disordered breathing interrupts the rejuvenating properties of a good night's sleep the same way it does in obstructive sleep apnea. Put plainly, it disrupts the delicate balances of cellular and chemical systems in the brain.

The use of sleep apnea machines known as CPAP has long been the standard treatment for sleep apnea, a condition traditionally studied and diagnosed in adulthood. What researchers are finding is that sleep disordered breathing in children has similar effects, and bears a stark resemblance to the symptomology of the two types of sleep apnea diagnosed in adults. Use of a CPAP machine with the appropriate CPAP mask, such as ResMed's Mirage Kidsta™ Mask, which has been specifically designed for pediatric patients aged seven years and older would reflect drastic results, and nearly immediate alleviation of the behavioral symptoms. The Kidsta is the first FDA approved system in the U.S. for treating children diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), or another respiratory insufficiency such as sleep disordered breathing (SDB). This particular CPAP mask combines the cushion technology the Mirage is known for with comfort, performance, and child friendly features.

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About the Author

K. Leeds is a freelance writer for The CPAP Shop, one of the leading providers of CPAP machine. Please visit The CPAP Shop website to learn more about their CPAP Supplies and brands.

Anxiety Symptoms in Children - Why Children Have Trouble Explaining Feelings

Author: Philip D English

1. Not All Children Have The Same Worries..

It is normal for children under three to have strong reactions when separated from parents. During early school years many children develop fears of insects, strangers, ghosts, etc. Teenage children can become shy and socially reserved. If our children's fears are too strong for what is happening, or if they last too long, they may be suffering from an anxiety problem. For example, if a teenager who always does well at school becomes fearful about failing their exams, then the teenager may have developed an anxiety problem.

2. Be Aware of Any Changes in Your Child's Behavior..

Although anxiety symptoms in children may be present, usually they'll have trouble communicating the feelings - so as parents, since they can't talk about their fears and distresses, as a parent it's your responsibility to be aware of any changes in your child's behaviour, and also in the way your child deals with their feelings. For example, has your daughter become more withdrawn? Is your son sleeping less? Is your pre-schooler clinging more and doesn't want to go anywhere without you? Is your primary school aged daughter missing a lot of school? Has your teenage son started showing signs of worry or having sudden outbursts of anger?

3. How Long Should A Child's Worries Last?

Normal worries don't last long in childhood. They disappear quickly. However, if our children's fears or worries continue for more than three or four weeks, then we should begin to get worried, and if they continue for months we need to seek professional help.

4. Children From Different Cultures..

What may be seen as anxiety symptoms in children in one culture, may be seen as normal behaviour by people from another culture. For example, talking softly, particularly by women and children, is normal in some cultures and is not considered a sign of fear or worry.

5. It's important to remember..

...that as parents, we're always trying to do what's best for our children, so if you're concerned about unusual behaviour in your child, behaviour that other parents may be concerned about, it's important to take the time and delve a little further. On the other hand, if you don't identify any of the usual anxiety symptoms in your child, and you are comfortable with your child's behaviour, then it's unlikely you have anything to worry about.

To better understand your child's anxiety visit

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About the Author

After suffering anxiety and panic attacks through my teens and into my early twenties, I was living in New York making my living as a television actor when, for the first time, cast in my first theatrical stage production, I was forced to face up to the fact that I had a serious disorder. Up until then I would self medicate when the pressures became too much, using alcohol and prescription drugs to alleviate my insecurities, but having to go on stage in front of a live audience every night? That's when I knew it was time to find a cure - so, after talking to many people and finding out how widespread the condition was, I was finally able to name my disorder and begin to understand the cause. Knowing now how disruptive anxiety and panic attack disorders can be, in the hope that it will help parents help their children, I have created a website that deals exclusively with understanding anxiety symptoms in children and teens.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Insomnia in Children- Natural sleep help for children

Insomnia in children- Natural sleep help for children

You’ve done all that sleep habits stuff to make your child go to sleep or stay asleep. Nothing worked. Now you’re desperate enough to try some natural sleep aids for children but you don’t know where to begin. There are more natural sleep aids in the stores than there are prescription sleeping pills.

1. Melatonin

What is melatonin?

It’s a hormone secreted from the pineal gland in our brain. Thought to help our bodies’ sleep-wake cycle i.e when it's time to go to sleep and when it's time to wake up. Melatonin decreases the time it takes to fall asleep ("sleep latency"), and may increase the duration of sleep.

Melatonin Fast Facts
• The most popular natural sleep aid for helping adults with jet lag or effects of shift work
• Also popularly used as a sleep aid for children, more than 20 studies have shown that melatonin helps children with insomnia to fall asleep quickly
• Side effects: daytime drowsiness headaches, dizziness, a "heavy-head" feeling, stomach discomfort
• Safe with short-term use (three months or less) as concluded by the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (2005)
• Dosage should not exceed 3 milligrams and it’s not recommended by healthcare professionals to give to kids younger than 10.
• Being a popular OTC sleep aid, pharmaceutical grade synthetic form is available in many brands; AVOID natural forms that are basically melatonin derived from animal’s pineal glands due to possible contamination
• It must be noted however, nearly all studies of melatonin were on “special needs” children i.e. autism, other development disabilities, blind. Their bodies either don't produce melatonin or do so only erratically.
• 15% of pediatricians still recommend melatonin as a sleep aid for children with insomnia, according to the medical journal Pediatrics (2002)

Before Using Melatonin As A Children Sleep Aid: -discuss with your pediatrician to rule out medical reasons for insomnia, such as breathing difficulties or behavioral conditions such as attention-deficit disorder - parents should first try techniques to change the child's sleep behavior

2. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)

What is chamomile? It’s one of nature’s oldest herbal sleep aid used for centuries. It is also one of the gentlest herbs making it so popular as a children sleep aid. The active ingredients are flavonoids namely, chrysin and apigenin, believed to reduce restlessness helping one feel more relaxed and more prepared to sleep.
• It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. That’s why it’s also popularly used in cases of stomach irritation.
• Safe for both adults and children. It does not lead to dependency and has not been shown to have any side effects. However, it may cause allergic reactions in people who have plant or pollen allergies.
• Most often drunk as a tea, which has a mild, pleasant flavor. Also available for internal use in capsule or tincture form
• Known as a ‘plant doctor’ stimulating the health of other plants, you will find it popularly combined with other herbs to make standardized herbal remedies.However, this also means you have to use with caution if your child is on other drug therapies. It may increase the effects of other sleep aids.

3. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

What is valerian?
• A herbal sleep aid that is also one of the top 3 popular OTC sleep aids for children. Its active ingredient is still unclear therefore how it works is unclear too.
• Generally thought to help reduce the time to get to sleep and possibly improve sleep quality.
• It also eases nervous tension, muscle tension and anxiety
• Generally safe when taken in recommended dosages. However, high doses of valerian can cause nausea, headaches, dizziness, vivid dreams, weakened heartbeat and even paralysis.
• It works well in combination with other sedative herbs. Valerian and lemon balm preparation is the most popular combo sleep aid for children since a study done in Germany showed fast and significant improvement for children under 12 with restlessness or dyssomnia (sleep disorder).

4. Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

What is lemon balm?

It’s an aromatic mint plant recognized by European herbalists for its ability to help induce sleep and ease nervousness. In Germany, lemon balm preparations have been approved for treatment of nervous insomnia.
• It also protects the gastrointestinal tract against ulcers. Therefore, lemon balm is a popular remedy for insomnia accompanied by a nervous stomach.
• Taken as a tea, lemon balm is quite tasty.
• When used as a sleep aid for children, the dosage according to the German study are valerian and lemon balm tablets with 160 mg of valerian root dry extract and 80 mg of lemon balm leaf dry extract.
• It is not associated with any toxicity or side effects.

5. Passion flower (Passiflora incarnata)

What is passion flower?

This herb, used by the Aztecs as a sedative, helps relax the mind and body to induce restful sleep. The active ingredient, harmine, and related compounds help inhibit the breakdown of serotonin. It also contains chrysin, the same flavonoid found in chamomile. It is an especially helpful sleep aid for sleep disorders caused by chronic pain, muscle conditions and anxiety.
• Taken as a tea, tincture or as capsules.
• Safe for use as either a sleep aid for children or adults. However, because the most common side effect of passion flower is drowsiness, don't take it unless you plan to sleep for while.

Now that you know these 5 natural sleep aids for children, always consult a licensed healthcare provider first if you are thinking of using any of them for your child. Also, you should tell your healthcare provider about all of the supplements and medication your child may be taking so that he can evaluate any potential drug-supplement interactions.

Help your child sleep naturally

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Anxiety and Sleep

Don’t Let Worry Destroy Your Health

Author: Jimmy Allen

Worrying never gets good results. It is not good for our emotions, our health, our creative ability or for fulfilling our life. Still we worry that if we don't stress out and worry like everyone else, how will others judge us? Will we be perceived as crazy, not normal, not right or as having low morality?

Why does most of the world live life this way? It is almost inconceivable to think that you can stop worrying. But, we can!

Relaxation expert Sarah McCrum, of the Academy of Potential Education said recently that "we can learn the art of natural relaxation - relaxing our thoughts and our body and simply doing nothing other than breathing and smiling. We can then use our relaxation skills and choose not to worry when we don't want to, and honestly, you never really want to worry. It will take time because we can't shut worrying off after all those years of indulging in it. But we can become better at cutting it off and not spiraling into a black hole." Often, we worry because it is the norm and we don't realize that we have a choice.

We do have a choice if you are aware of it. It is your choice to make! Nobody can make you worry and nobody can stop you from not worrying.

Worry is actually pretty old fashioned. It belongs to our past and it is rapidly going out of style. It's not a creative lifestyle. It's not the lifestyle of the future. Just because most of the whole world worries, it doesn't mean that you have to! As human knowledge develops, human awareness and consciousness expands, and worrying will gradually disappear.

What is replacing worry now is relaxation - a deep trust in life itself. Your creative ability, your happiness, your health and your consciousness will grow the more you improve your ability to be relaxed. Your actions, your work, your responses to the world around you change when you know how to relax.

Often, when we are doing an activity we are either thinking about what we are doing or thinking about something completely different. We might even start to worry. We are too often in a state of unconscious tension, and are simply not physically and emotionally at peace. As a result, we block energy from entering and flowing through our body. And then our meridians aren't open and relaxed, so we get tired and find it difficult to experience joy.

When we learn how to relax and flow with life, we start to appreciate the world in a completely different way. When we are open, happy and experiencing natural relaxation, we can receive a higher source of life energy - quality energy that is light and vibrant, making us more positive and glowing.

Through proper relaxation training, we can learn how to not worry. We can learn how to breathe again like when we were a baby - relaxed and surrendered to life. We don't have to "do anything" but rather, just "be." Soon we learn that worry doesn't stem from external factors, but rather comes from inside ourselves. Then the more we become aware of it the more we can do to release that tension that we call worry.

To prevent worry from destroying your health and happiness, research a little and find a relaxation program with skilled experts to help you realize that there is a reason for everything, a cause and a remedy for everything. Every situation has a solution and we just have to find it. While we are searching we feel good and not so helpless, so we just keep on searching and we don't give up. The more knowledge we have, the more peace we have. We see possibilities, so we have a future. In this way, worry gradually and surely comes to its end.

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About the Author

Founder and Director of the Inspirational Learning Academy in Sedona Arizona. Jimmy Allen is the director of the iRelaxNow relaxation programs. For over 25 years, he has helped thousands of children and adults improve the quality of their health, happiness and peace. Try a FREE live-online workshop at or contact him at