Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Do separate beds make for better sleep

Do separate beds make for better sleep

I can see why some couples prefer separate beds or even separate bedrooms. It's not really a bad idea. I know a lot of people may frown on this but couples that are better rested get along better. One of nature's cruel jokes is that men snore more while women tend to be lighter sleepers. Women naturally tend to worry more about a lot of things. A woman's sleep quality can predict marital happiness.

Many researchers say that twos beds are best. One for intimacy and one for sleep.

How to sleep better at night

How to sleep better at night

Anyone who suffers with sleep issues knows that sleep can sometimes seem like a chore. We need sleep to feel good. Here are some ways that can help you sleep better at night.

Prep for bed- Nightly routines aren't just for infants. They are necessary for all ages. Start a ritual about 20 to 30 minutes before bedtime. It helps prepare the body for sleep. It could include a hot bath. This helps decrease your body temperature and relax you.

Get your own sheets and blankets. Using separate ones can make up for different temperature needs you and your partner may have. When I first heard this tip, I thought it was silly. For about 6 months now, my hubby and I use separate comforters and it really does help.

Stay in the dark. If you wake up in the middle of the night, don't check your email or text messages. This messes with your internal melatonin production.

Lower the thermostat. About 68 degrees is ideal for getting a good night's sleep. It causes a decrease in body temperature.

Don't allow cell phones in the bedroom. Don't use the cell phone as an alarm clock. With all the text messages, emails and games that people play on their phones now, it messes with your sleep because it wakes you up.

Cut out the caffeine in the evening. Whether it comes from tea, soda or coffee, this stimulant can keep you up at night. This makes you tired the next day, so you reach for caffeine to perk you up. It keeps a vicious cycle going.

Hope this helps

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Seeds to help you sleep more soundly

Seeds to help you sleep more soundly

Whether you are cooking or carving a pumpkin, be sure to save the seeds. These seeds pack magnesium, a mineral that may ward off migraines and improve sleep. Swish the seeds in water to separate them from the pulp. Drain, then spread on an oiled pan. Dry 10 minutes at 350 degrees (stir once). Toss with oil and seasonings. Bake, stirring, until golden, 10 to 15 minutes


Is iron deficiency keeping you from sleeping at night?

Is iron deficiency keeping you from sleeping at night?

If your legs tend to tingle or twitch at night, keeping you awake, it may be that a lack of iron causes your brain cells to send mixed up signals telling your legs to move.

Ask your doctor to run a blood test to check your iron levels. If you have an iron deficiency, add more iron rich foods such as beef and leafy greens to your diet. Oysters and multi-vitamins are good for this also.

Do aging eyes disrupt sleep patterns?

Do aging eyes disrupt sleep patterns?

As you age, the lenses of your eyes become yellower, allowing less blue light. Blue light signals the sleep inducing hormone known as melatonin. Aging eyes allow less blue light to filter through so your sleep patterns can get thrown off.

Try wearing a sleep mask at night and get at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight within 90 minutes of waking to help reset your internal clock

Does fear of the dark keep you from sleeping at night

Does fear of the dark keep you from sleeping at night?

Poor sleepers may have a fear of the dark without realizing it. They may tense up to darkness, even while awake, more than sound sleepers do.

A too quiet room at night can make a sensitive sleeper more jittery to stimuli, so try turning on a white noise generator.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Diagnosing Insomnia

Diagnosing Insomnia

If you think that you have insomnia, you should talk to your doctor. A medical history, physical examination and sleep history study will help with diagnosing insomnia and help to determine if there is a specific underlying cause. In the case of chronic insomnia, a psychiatric evaluation may be helpful in determining if your insomnia is a symptom of depression.

Keeping a sleep diary that keeps track of your sleep patterns may be helpful in diagnosing insomnia. Be sure to provide your doctor with a list of all the medications that you may be taking. Some medications can contribute to insomnia.

Insomnia becomes more prevalent as we age, and most doctors look at four main areas when diagnosing insomnia. They are as follows:

* Physical: may include cardivascular disease, asthma or other lung problems, chronic pain, bladder or prostate problems, sleep apnea etc.

* Environmental: noise, late-night eating or inactivity during the day.

* Medical: drugs, such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, antidepressant medications, stimulants, or medication schedules.

* Mental: depression (life changes and events that become more common as we age, such as retirement, death of a loved one etc), stress (health related and/or financial) and anxiety.

Symptoms when diagnosing insomnia:

Insomnia is characterized by one or more of a combination of the following symptoms:

* Difficulty falling asleep

* Waking often (more than three times a night)

* Moving suddenly from being asleep to being awake

* Light, restless sleep that does not leave you refreshed, even if you sleep the same number of hours as usual.

* Shifting sleep patterns (often a cycle of waking very early without being able to return to sleep)

* Confusion between night and day in terms of your body's levels of tiredness and energy.

To help you in diagnosing insomnia, take our free sleep quiz here.

Sleep is important to your health. Determine why you simply cannot sleep.